Albums features

Hi, You seem to be very song oriented. I am an album guy. I would like to see more album functions when I play music from my USB HDD. If I search for an artist the results show all songs in alphabetical order. For me that is useless. I want to see the albums. And I would like to add an album to what’s playing now the same way I can do with songs.


You are not the only one. I would like to get such features too.
If a song is playing you can access the album feature and add the complete album to the playlist.

I also agree with the concept of albums being largely forgotten. My entire music collection is of ripped CD albums.
I posted a comment about albums here

You have my full support.
See also my wishlist: My wish list (for now)


Thank you for your diverse opinions on the classification method, such as albums and artists.
We will find ways to improve it to meet the needs of our customers.

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Same here i would like the option to play just the album( Artists, Albums, Songs,)
Arist - Cocteau twins
Albums - Garlands
Head Over heels
Songs - Track list of first album
Simple in my mind!

Would be great if the album search function show in the first run only the albums with covers and if select play the whole album. Maybe a option to show the tracks could be implemented?

In the PC app it work like expected (Version 4.04) Could you implement this in the iOS App too?