How to transfer audio files to ROSEDISK from Windows?

Hi, can anyone help with step-by-step instructions on how to transfer audio files from already ripped cds (eg FLAC) on windows (Win7 in my case) to the ROSEDISK and organize them at the same time?



This subject was explained many times already. Use search function!

On your Rose unit:

  1. Go to settings → Storage settings
  2. Enable SMB, set login and password

On your PC:
3. Within files browser (NOT internet browser) type \ip of your Rose unit (2x )
4. Type login and password when prompted

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I am very grateful, sorry I tried to search and only found two threads which didnt provide this answer, but I apologise if my search was insufficient

No problem! Glad to be helpful! Safe your credentials and create shortcut for easy, immediate access.

Continuing the discussion from How to transfer audio files to ROSEDISK from Windows?:

Hi Micheal,
I just received my rs 250 today and have already installed a internal ssd 2tb hard drive. So, my question is , I question I need to download music I have downloaded from Qobuz or apple or cds into the ssd drive. Have you had any luck downloading music from tidal and then into the ssd? What connections do you use from the pc to the Rose unit for fastest best download. USB ?


The fastest method to download the music files in SSD is to connect the SSD to PC.
However, it’s such a cumbersome method.

Using SMB is relatively slower than the above method, but it can make downloading and editing files much easier. Please check this post to know about SMB connection between PC and RS250.

Thank you,

My Windows 11 PC just installed the 24H2 Feature update. I can no longer access my RS250A SSD over the internet. SMB is enabled on the RS250A and I have allowed Smbv1 on the Window 11. Any ideas out there?

Just figured it out - sorry for the post.

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Very nice, you are ambitious and are dealing with the subject matter. :clap:t2: :+1:t2:

Many people can only complain and blame Rose. They also don’t want to (let me put it this way) deal with the highly complex technology.



Please share your solution. I am unable to access internal SSD over the network despite enabling SMB1 on PC and altering group policies per various online forums. I am hoping your solution is a simple oversight on my part!



Hi Harris- I don’t feel very confident about this but I’ll tell you what I did. I simply used the address of my RS250A as follows - my RS250A address is xxx.yyyy.1.222 (yours will be different). Go to File Explorer and enter: //xxx.yyy.1.222/rosedisk. This brought up the SSD. I say I’m not confident because I’m convinced that this software (from HiFi Rose) responds to things only dogs can hear! I hope this helps.

Charlie! Thank you! I had a bad path: \IP address\storage\ROSEDISK. Removing “storage” fixed the mapping malfunction. Thanks again.



Please check the video below and reconnect your Rose device and PC via network.
There is a possibility that the existing network was deleted during the update.
For Windows:
For Mac: