Inverse Playlist and sorting

As I mentioned before, I would like Rose to add the function “inverse playlist” I would want to add tracks one after the other and not the other way around. That means you don’t want to start at the end of your playlist as how it is now.

Thanks in advance for your understanding.


Aren’t you referring to Queue, not Playlist?
For example, is it because of the problem of going to the end of Queue when you play a song?

- Add to the end of the queue : All the songs in the album goes to the end of the queue
- Empty the queue and add: All the songs in the queue is deleted and all the songs in the album is added
- Add to a direct play : All the songs in the album goes to the top and playes directly
- Add to play next: All the songs in the album is added below the current streaming music

I’m not referring to Queue, i’m referring to playlist.
When a track is added to a playlist it is added at the top of the playlist and not at the bottom as it should be.
The way it is now is when you make a playlist, you add tracks and when you want to play the playlist it starts with the last song added which doesn’t make sense. I would want to start with the first song that I added.
If I want to keep the order that I intended, I have to move the tracks one by one from the bottom to the top. This can be a lot of work when you have a long playlist.

Best regards.

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Same issue raised 2 years ago.

@Querner, when you say “doesn’t make sense”, with Rose’s software it’s all relative…

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@alessandro @ROSEHAN & @anyonewhoreadsthis
When I was young I made a lot of mixtapes. Now you know that i’m a middle aged music lover :nerd_face:.
When I made these tapes, each track was recorded after the other starting with the first track I added.
Maybe we should ask anyone who reads this post to like it or react and say “agree” at it.
I have a feeling that there might be more like-minded-middle-aged people like me. :wink:

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I will forward your request to the software team.

They will review it and add it if they think it should be added.