Is there a guide for creating folders, copying

I have just ordered RS250, in preparation I am looking for a guide to how to create folders on the SSD and copy files into these folder via external USB drive and etc.

The user manual on HiFi Rose dose not go to these details.


This is all done outside of the Rose platform in my use case. Using my iMac I can see the SSD on the RS250 and can click on the drive and create a folder from the iMac’s finder app. Then I just connect to a source drive (NAS, local iMac drive, etc.) using the finder app and drag and drop from the source to the RS250 SSD destination folder.

The internal SSD can be reached over your home network using a smb1 connection. As Projectman wrote: just drag and drop.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to respond


When you work on it, check this link and let me know when something doesn’t work.

Hi RoseLoa,

I have an error when I try to switch on my Rose’ SMB setting. Can you advise next steps please? I just installed/formatted a 4TB SSD in the Rose.


Let me know what error you have, a screenshot please.

I resolved it by using username = ‘rose’, then all other settings took. Not sure why I couldn’t use a username of my own choosing.


Have you ever tried SMB setting before between the your ROSE and PC?(or other devices)

Yes, between NAS devices in the home, from both Mac and PCs.