Rose rs 150B - problem with lost internet radio after update

Hi :-)! After the last update, the Radio icon disappeared for me, which I shared with my favorite radio stations. Only Rose Radio is left but there are no stations that were there before, was it possible to recover the lost Radio?


We apologize for any inconvenience caused during use. This symptom is seen as a temporary error.

In the RS150b–>Settings–>Display–>Edit Home menu, check if there is a Radio app in “Icon can be added” at the bottom and add it.

Thank you

Ok, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi! After the last update, my playlist on Tidal was lost and there is no way to upload new songs. If I want to save a new song to the Tidal playlist, I automatically get the Rose Tube playlist instead of the Tidal playlist. Regards…


Would you try this first?

  1. RS150B > TIDAL > My collection > Settings > Synchronize

After synchronize is done, you will be able to see the TIDAL playlists in Rose APP.
When you add songs to those playlists in Rose APP, the songs are automatically added to TIDAL playlist as well. You can check in TIDAL APP.

Yes, it works, thanks for the tips, it’s different graphically but everything works back. I would also like to ask if in the future the RS-150B will have a tone control or a graphic equalizer?
Thanks again and best regards…


I think this post can help you with equalizer plan about RS150B.

Yes, I admit that the RS-150 is a fantastic piece of equipment, you did a great job with this project, I am very happy with its quality and functionality, if I listen to it on an integrated amplifier, everything is ok because sometimes, although not always, I correct the sound slightly and sometimes I listen directly with the amplifier power and then a little of this regulation is missing. After all, it’s a brilliant player … bravo to the constructors…