Where do I search for my upnp servers?

I understand that since the last update, upnp has been supported. I’ve activated DLNA and I have my upnp server running on my PC but don’t know where on my RS250 to search for it. Can anyone talk me through please?

Wonderful question. I have the same one for my RS 130.
DLNA activated? Yes. Now what?
How does one actually CONNECT to the DLNA server and see the music?

Hopefully we will get an answer.



You need to use an app on your phone/tablet/ipad like mConnect or mConnectHD. Unfortunately there is no control available by Rose through the front panel or any of their Apps :frowning_face:

mConnectHD Screenshots with Rose linked here

I downloaded the Audirvana app for my iPhone but that only works with their PC server.

Audirvana Remote App for iOS

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Thanks for the information. Is the HiFi Rose a DLNA Server or a Player? It seems to be neither. What function is it doing?
It is false advertising by Rose If Rose can’t act as a DLNA client. It really doesn’t work with DLNA, IMHO.


Rose originally acted as a DLNA server but not as a client - music on the Rose could be streamed to other network players assuming they were not Rose devices.

Sorry to being so obtuse but when Audirvāna says it “works with HiFi Rose” what can that mean? Clearly in that circumstance Audirvāna is acting as the server. That really only leaves HiFi Rose to act a client. What other choice is there?

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