1.5 year check back on Rose remote issue


I am circling back after approximately a year and a half later since opening up a request to understanding better response from the Rose remote on my 150b device.

Bluetooth pairing is no longer an issue but I do notice continual spotty success with being to Pause in any media under the VIDEO category. I can see it ‘flash’ if I press the Pause button on the remote itself but have only about 20% success doing so. I sometimes have to click rapidly 4+x’s in order for the Rose 150b to actually pause the Video. Otherwise, I have to either get up and walk over to the 150b to hit the on-screen Pause/Play button OR open the Rose app and tap from there (100% successful).

I know there was an effort by HiFi Rose to build/test/ship an IR remote and make those available to customers via the Distribution Centers but has that been pulled back to Korea only?

If so, what are the plans to get a more reliable remote in our hands here in the US?



I have had the same experience with the remote. I have found that the remote’s transmission of signals seems to be quite slow and the necessary sequence doesn’t seem to be cached if the button is only briefly pressed. Thus it’s necessary to keep pressing the remote button for several (3-5) seconds before releasing it to allow for complete transmission of the signal in order for it to consistently work. It takes some experimentation because if you press for too long, nothing happens. Obviously this is a flaw that shouldn’t happen but it’s at least a work-around until they fix it.

On the other hand, the remote is beautiful.


Great, thanks let me give that a test over the next week and I’ll advise back for benefit of the community.

I can confirm this behavior, thank you. I usually just hit the mute button one time and that seems to re-engage the volume buttons subsequent to that.