1 year recap : Nothing solved, just adding more bugs

Joined the club 1 year ago. RS520. One sentence recap : lovely sound, rubbish software

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Yeah the software is not perfect.

I still miss important details on ‘managing’ i.e. finding & sorting & playing & filtering the information in my tagged FLAC music collection. Also the radio apps need some corrections and so on

But i can say that a lot of missing or broken functions & features have been implemented and corrected.

One thing that is hard to comprehend is that while some very sophisticated programs have been implemented, the simplest, most obvious features like indexing and searching all lists which every free program offers as a basic, aren’t offered or available or even planned for implementation.
A self driving car with no wheels.


I still don’t get it. A self driving car with no wheels does not perform the primary duty of a car. My RS130 plays music, that’s its primary purpose.
To me, a self driving car with a manual lift gate and manual side-view mirrors (silly analogies but you get my point). But you plug in the destination and it gets you there safely and comfortably.
So either a lot of them have soft bugs I don’t have, or people are using them very differently than the way I use mine. I use Innuos, WIIM, and Rose. They are all about the same
for the way I use them which is to listen to music.
You did not purchase a highly sophisticated music file categorization software system. I believe if you want a highly sophisticated music file categorizing software system get Roon and all your wildest dreams will come true.

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My point was to say that some very necessary, elementary functions of a music player have been omitted in the Rose software while some very sophisticated features have been included. Please forgive the hyperbole of wheels. Perhaps it’s more akin to omitting windshield wipers and headlights than wheels.

I have Roon. I also have RS 520, RS 130 and an RD 160. I also have the latest Fios S15 and recently I’ve had the Wiim Ultra in another listening room just to see see how they perform. Actually, they’re quite good for less than the VAT on an RS130.

Still in all, I’m a fan boy and love the Rose products.


Some of my wipers and headlights are for instance :

  • Play FLAC when I play a Tidal playlist instead of AAC
  • Play a Spotify playlist when I choose one and not only the first song and then completely random music
  • A working windows app
  • Dont let me be the only one in my family that is familiar with the deep menu structures, an intuitive user interface would do for the rest of us
  • Please please please volume settings per input (real setting, not the malfunctioning current implementation) so I dont crash my loudspeakers every time when switching from one input to another

I wont go into a discussion, but dont tell me to go to Roon. I spend nearly 4000 (a hell lot of money for me) for this equipment and I expect it to have just a little bit more than just the great sound : basic and stable user functionality.

What very necessary functions? Pretty much every necessary function I need are included in the software. These are the comments that I don’t understand.

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It’s a fair question.

  1. Go to Media playlist which has3, 000 entries. Tell me how to search within it.
  2. Go to Playlist of which I have hundreds of entries. Tell me how to search within it.

You get my point. There are many lists without the ability to search.


Go to RoseRadio Search and pick a genre. Try to find anything without scrolling endlessly through a list. Twenty years ago LMS had a much cleaner way to find radio stations - and that was free open source software. Twenty.years.ago.

Just thought I’d throw in one more example.

Being able to list Album Artists rather than Artists so not getting hundreds of entries for people who have one part credit on one track of a compilation album.

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Hi Ron,

I may be wrong, but search in the queue (3000 titles)

You set up the queue like that.

Even in Roon, I can’t search in the queue.

I can’t say anything about playlists in the Rose app. I never created one and I played my music directly from the folder on the internal SSD
then either play all or shuffle play.

Playlists in Roon, you can search for anything

Sorry, I know the comparison (with Roon) is not appropriate


Sorry but you touched on another gripe.
" I may be wrong, but search in the queue (3,000 titles)??? You set up a Queue like that.""
No, I didn’t set up that queue. It’s fixed meaning unmodifiable.
That’s Rose.
Notice that there is no option to put one of my Playlists/Albums/Songs in the Queue although there sure should be and that’s what anyone would think. That’s not how it works.

What the “Queue” is, is actually not one of my Playlists but a fixed list of the last 3,000 items I have played. It actually should be called is “Played List”. Can you search it to find and play what you want to hear?
Can you change it to one of your Playlists?
See what I mean?

Yes, Qobuz has these features as do almost all other similar programs.


Thanks Standardmodel and others. I believe it boils down to: One man’s “Necessary functions” is another man’s “Nice to have.”

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Ron, I understand you​:clap:t2: :+1:t2:
and I meant the queue (3000 titles), where you have to put the music in so that your Rose can play anything at all. I understand you and you understand me too. But
you can also search with other providers (e.g. Roon queue “Not”).

You’re right about a playlist.
I looked again in the Rose app, which I hardly use anymore, and I did create an (all) playlist from Tidal and Qobuz
and it’s funđŸ‘ŽđŸ» (no search function) to search in it with several hundred titles.

You said it (typed it)
you set up a queue!!!
but when you set it up, you put your top titles in it, why do you want to search there???
Sure, you’re right, you also want to search through top titles put in the queue
ok. accepted
is an argument!

Yes, I agree with you, all that glitters is not gold!

Stay healthy, my big boy

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Thanks for responding.
I’m a little unclear in what your last post says.
Are you saying that (contrary to what I said) that you can indeed set up and modify the queue? I think I said you can set up a playlist but not the queue and you can’t modify a queue. Are you disputing that?


No, Ron
i do not want to contradict
I just said that with other providers (e.g. Tidal), you can’t search for anything in the queue either (no search function :mag:). Of course you can search there, but only by individual titles and not by directly entering :mag: the title or artist, for example.

Maybe I misunderstood something! :man_shrugging:t2:


Click on the image for full screen

Clearly an individual perspective thing, because I couldn’t give a $hit about such a ‘radio search’ function. Nice to have, sure, but no ‘biggie’ if it’s not there

I think the concept is rather straightforward: if Rose is going to implement a feature, make its usability at least as good as what most interfaces were capable of doing a dozen years ago. Otherwise maybe they shouldn’t bother. I suspect they wouldn’t have had quite as many buyers if they had no radio functionality, no playlist functionality, no search management functionality. For all intents and purposes those features are laughably ineffective compared to even the old LMS. I wonder how well Rose would have done if they said “and here are the things you won’t get with our very expensive new device”. Somehow they must have figured that would have been a bad idea, and yet compared to their fabulous hardware, their software implementations quite ineffectual. I’ve been streaming since the turn of this century (if not a bit longer). If all anybody thinks they need is good hardware, a Holo Red will do the job rather nicely.

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No problem. I have had a Wiim Ultra just to play with and if I recall correctly (which at my advanced age is questionable) I could put anything I wanted into the queue. Specifically, the Queue was a list of songs one wanted to play next, not a list of the last 3,000 songs one had played. I don’t recall if I could search the Queue or not so I’m sure you are correct


This might be a good place to remember to Rose some issues that have not been solved. Several users, including me, commented that the system skips randomly to the next track when playing Tidal or Qobuz.