30 seconds songs

Hello everyone.
After updating to version 4.17 my Rs 130 plays some Qbuz tracks only for 30 seconds. Do you have any suggestions to solve this?

Sound like you don’t have a subscription in place(?). Qobuz will play every song even without a subscription, but only 30 seconds of it.

I had this problem on my RS130 with Qobuz before and also immediately after the latest update. Magically it went away.
Specifically, when I hit the “Next Song” icon on the Now Playing page it would play only 30 seconds, but only if I chose Music Playback option “Add Music to End of Queue” (Settings > Audio Settings). I suggest trying one of the other options and see if you still have the issue (I realize it sounds strange, but this was my experience). Now it works fine regardless of what option I select so I don’t know what happened but I’m not complaining :slight_smile:

I did what you suggested, but now some tracks played 30 seconds are full, meanwhile other before full are played 30 second now.

Yes I experienced this also. When I put the “30 second song” in the queue and let the song before it play and finish, then the 30 second song would play and it would play the full song.
This was my situation for a few days and as I mentioned it just stopped misbehaving and now I can’t get my RS130 to repeat this behavior (which of course is a good thing).

@Sebrof @Kjetil-A @F_FFamily

Recently, we were having login issues when updating the Qobuz app from the Play Store to the latest version. While Qobuz is updating the app to reflect a more secure login method, an error occurred during the authentication process, making it difficult to use Qobuz.

Normal login function has now been restored. If you tried to log in when the error occurred, you must log in again.
Please log out of your Qobuz account and log in again.


Please try this.

RS130 > Settings > System Settings > Cache Manager > Delete

RS130 > Settings > System Settings > Cache Manager > Delete
Problem look fixed.
Thanks for your help and support.