A couple of (hopefully helpful) suggestions


  1. When selecting music from a local disk could we have the option to show by the Album Artist tag either as well as the current Artist? If you have several compilation albums you end up with a huge number of entries, many with only a single song.

  2. When you select the Artist could you move the horizontally scrolling list list of albums by this artist to the top? You currently get a single list of tracks for all the albums. I have as many as 20 albums by some performers and scrolling to the bottom of that list is very frustrating.



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You will be waiting a long time as their whole file management is not up to the standards of most streamers :-1:t2::-1:t2::-1:t2:

Good suggestions. We need the ‘album artist’ tag. Especially for classical music. And soundtracks.

And nesting tags would be helpful too. A lot of pop albums sport a composer per song. This creates in insane long unusable list. However, if I select ‘classical’ and then ‘composer’ it becomes totally what anyone is used to. Nobody cares who composed what popsong.