It’s a forum for free discussion on the (ROSE) TIDAL / QOBUZ / SPOTIFY.
It doesn’t matter if it’s regrettable, satisfactory, match reviews with various devices, or whatever you felt, if it’s a post about (ROSE) TIDAL / QOBUZ / SPOTIFY.
My 250a does not play Qobuz correctly. When I try to start a song, the music starts well into the song, the progress bar moves erratically, and faster than it should, and when the progress bar gets to the end, it cuts off whatever is left of the end of the song. This is consistent With anything that I try to play using Qobuz. It does not happen with Tidal or Apple Music. I am using Rose version 4.5, which the 250a says is current, I have restarted the 250a, and unplugged it and plugged it back in, emptied the cache, deleted and reinstalled the Qobuz app, signed out and then signed it back in to Qobuz.
Anyone have ideas about what I should try next?
Rose RS130: Guten Tag, ich bin von meinem HTPC zu dem RS130 “aufgestiegen”, habe aktuell jedoch das Problem da ich in Tidal (weder am Gerät noch in der Connect App) favorisierte Titel nicht zu meinen Playlists hinzu fügen kann. Der Rose zeigt dann meine Playlists nicht an. Es sind jedoch etliche Playlists vorhanden. Das ist doch eine essentielle Funktion bei Tidal? Danke