Add the Ability to Curate Radio Stations

I have previously asked for the ability to list user added radio stations alphabetically. In addition, it would be very helpful if like your supplied radio station list one could add his/her own user defined categories. I find that your supplier of stations has lots of stations around the world but few of the available stations in the United States. Take a look at or others who have tens of thousands more stations. This lack of comprehensive coverage reinforces the need for user curation and additions.


Hello @Standardmodell,

you can sort your own streams!
You have to get your hands dirty though and deal with your music or your streamer. I already know the problem from my old Pioneer N-70A, it was just as stupid then, and that was years ago and actually progress is moving forward, but some things are still the same today.

I took all the URLs of my streams and screenshots of every stream I created myself and marked them all as favorites ☆. I even tried to get the cover images in better resolution and then edited them in the photo program (sharpness, contrast…). Then of course I didn’t like the order in the favorites and I deleted all the streams I had created myself. I started from the beginning.

In my RoseRadio, the order remains, but I always go to my favorites and switch through the streams I want to listen to from there.

See pictures

If you want to sort alphabetically, you have to start with Z. I sort my system according to my favorite streams


The stream that starts with Z (the name of the stream).

It’s just like it was with (Pioneer N-70A), because all subsequent streams will be at the top of your favorites later, when you’re finished.



This is how I save my streams on my computer in case of a (total failure)…

Thank you Bonte,

You describe a good but lengthy process to alphabetize a radio playlist. That works. However, what do you do when you want to add a radio station which would fit somewhere in the middle of the list? Do you have to repeat the whole process all over again?
I was asking for a function which would alphabetize the list each time new stations are added.


Yes, your thoughts are absolutely correct and the scenario you just posted is horror in my solution. You would then have to delete the above (or below) in my RoseRadio up to the stream to be inserted and create the others again alphabetically after the new stream. With my few streams, it’s not a lot of work, but you will definitely save more than I do. It’s like the Stone Age, what else can I say. I read a lot here about the quirks of a 5000K device (software-wise). A lot of the applications are really outdated for me. You always have to take detours to somehow get it the way you personally want it. But I’ve come to terms with it.

You or many of the buyers of Rose devices want to use their device to its full extent for the price and come across even more problems. The little that I do is ridiculous, in contrast to you, and that’s why I understand you all. I stream a few radio stations and listen to and edit and record my music and save it on the SSD I installed. Even then, the correct cover image is sometimes displayed in the app and on the device is a completely different thing. But I have found solutions for that too.

You also have paid streaming and Roon, which I don’t use at all (no money :slight_smile: ). The complaints that are posted…oh. oh, oh.

I’ll just wait and see how Rose develops, if my device stays intact.

…and let’s be honest: We’ve all been magically infected by the display, me too!!! (I wanted something like that 20 years ago. Now I have it and it’s really cool. I’m 54 and my eyesight is slowly deteriorating, but I can read everything from about 3-4 meters away (listening position), of course with the highest magnification.

Have a nice Sunday and stay healthy :v:t2:


Thanks. You’re a youngster. I’m 82.
I still like music very much. I hope you do too.
That’s why we bought such a toy. I think it’s better than anything I’ve found out there but as you have correctly stated, rather than being satisfied with HiFi Rose offering more features than anyone else, I aim for perfection and the perfect is the enemy of the good.


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