Adding a Rose Radio Station Region

When I try to add a Radio Station the Region is required. I’m in the United States. The regions stop at brasil.

Also, when I try to put in the URL, the screen moves up and the URL field siaappears. It looks like this:

Can you fix these, please.


Thank you for the screenshot, we will check the issues with MAC RoseConnect.

  • What’s the version of the MAC RoseConnect?
    MAC > Rose APP > Settings > APP Info

Or is it a iPad APP that you’re using on MAC?

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I’m using a Mac Studio.
MAC RoseConnect 4.06.01

How about the Rose team hiring (alongside a native English speaker) a Mac user?

Any Mac user would tell stright away that - like - for example - many people contributing to this Forum - @StandardModel is using a Mac, not an iPad. It’s so obvious from the screenshot he sent across.

I would also say - having observed many posts on this Forum for a couple of years now… - that so many of your customers also happen to be Mac/Apple users too…

So…double bonus if the native English speaker is ALSO a Mac/Apple user. I am sure your HR director would agree it’s a win win situation and more value to your team developing, designing and selling expensive hi-fi gear to a customer base not just based in Korea, but worldwide?

How’s that as a suggestion?

It is possible to search for stations by the three broad areas however that solution doesn’t help a music search for an internet radio station which broadcasts a particular type of music.

What the music streamer user needs are two things: 1) the ability to search radio stations by the type of music they broadcast or artists they feature in a free form search and 2) a link to that selected station’s streaming URL. All streamers of which I’m aware (even the really inexpensive ones) have these features.

The only feature the 250 has is a block of fifteen preset very broad categories, not a free form search and no ability to search the sub category.

Even then your list of internet stations is approximately one percent of the available stations (about 30,000 music stations) leaving 99% unsearchable.

The only reason I’m being forceful in these observations is that I believe Hi Fi Rose is on the verge of becoming at or near the top of its field in the electronics world. The company has unbelievably good ideas. All it needs is some polish on the software.


The reason I asked if it’s an app for the iPad is because typically when you use RoseConnect for MAC, the version name appears next to ROSE HIFI at the top. (Also, hiring native speakers is also in our plan)

The latest version of RoseConnect for MAC is currently 4.6.03. However, the feature to add a radio URL is temporarily hidden and is planned to be added through an update. The error you mentioned will also be resolved when the update is rolled out.

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It will be great to add a station by its URL but to do this you have to know about the station first. This is only half the necessary upgrade for a proper Internet Radio Station Streamer. The other half is a searchable list of all of the internet radio stations by name, Genre or type of music. A fairly crude example is the Marantz V-Tuner :

A better searchable list is an open source one :
It has 38,000 stations and can be searched by lots of different fields.
In another post I provided API’s which are commercially available that offer these lists of internet radio stations so you don’t have to build it, just hook it in.

Also, while the location of a station may be important to some, particularly ex-pats seeking a radio station from their home country, I believe the majority of users who stream music don’t care where a station is located but rather whether it has commercials or not and whether it plays their desired repertoire.