Amazon music for rose please

Hi. Can you add Amazon music to the rose? Now Amazon music will be added to the prime. So good quality music from rose :heart: will be good. I know too many streaming services. I know :wink:

I agree with the OP… I am loving my new Rs250… But would love it even more with Amazon Music added. PLEASE help make this happen. Thanks for such a great product!

I love the Amazon HD, I guess Amazon doesn’t have a developer kit for manufacturers according to Rosehan. The latest version of Amazon Unlimited also has Podcasts.
Thanks Billy

I have been successful at streaming Amazon Unlimited to the Rose 150b with Airplay on my IPad. No Amazon HD but you have everything else.
Thanks Billy

That is really interesting about the developer kit situation. I wonder how other manufacturers like Marantz, Denon, Yamaha and NAD/Bluesound to name a few have integrated Amazon Music HD into their platforms with their Heos, BlueOS etc apps, Interesting.

Please, please, please add Amazon Music Unlimited to your software so I can access my HIRes music

Hello Rose users

Hi-Fi Rose is working on adding Amazon Music really hard.

It’s not easy to add. We are working hard, so please take a little time and wait.

Thank you


@ROSEHAN… That is WONDERFUL news! Thank you for the update. I will patiently await for this to happen. I know many current and future Rose users will appreciate this feature update when it finally comes. Thank you! Keep up the great work!


You just won another customer:-)
Thanks for working on this!
Great News


Another request for Amazon HD


Plus one for me too!!


Waiting on the purchase sideline until Amazon Unlimited becomes possible.
Great products, but I’m invested in Amazon music for high rez.

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Good to hear! Yes, we really need Amazon for HIFI Rose RS150! We would love for you to develop it! Thank you

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While waiting for ROSE to include Amazon Music natively, I am playing Amazon through ROSE RS520 by selecting USB input and connecting ROSE RS520 to a Windows 11 computer. Amazon Music App is running on Windows but the signal goes to RS520’s USB input. I also use this arrangement for all YouTube videos. You can also use the SPDIF input instead of USB (Optical Signal) if you do not have a long enough USB cable to reach the computer.

After turning on the USB input on Rose, click on the speaker icon at the bottom right corner of Amazon Music to select Speakers (RS520 DAC) to select it.
I also have Rose Connect software running on same Windows 11 so that I do not have to touch RS520 front panel. In my experience a Media PC is essential along with all Audio and Video assets. I also have Plex and Roon Core running on the same Windows 11 computer, You can also use a large 4K TV as the computer’s Monitor. Hope this suggestion may help all those who are waiting, in the interim.