Apple Music Recently played Artists list is incorrect

In Apple Music, the list of recently played artists is incorrect. I do see a couple of artists I have played, but 95% of the list is incorrect. Most of the artists listed are unknown to me and I have never played songs by them.


I sometimes have the feeling that they are just looking for mistakes in the ROSE system.
Just listen to music.


I have owned three Rose products culminating in the RS 130.
I love the Rose musicality and often praise the Rose products’ impeccable build quality.

On the other hand, the software is a work in progress. I try to help the Rose software team identify mistakes and errors in the software so, yes, I’m looking for mistakes, it’s true. I want the Rose high end products to succeed and be the best in the field. A true high end product that proudly deserves to stand along side the very best. That won’t be achieved with many software errors.
It’s in the spirit of making a better more competitive product in the marketplace that these errors are identified.


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We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Please check a few things.

  1. When using the RoseConnect app, do you use an iPhone or Android phone?
  2. Are the Apple Music recently played artists shown on the RoseConnect app and the Apple Music recently played artists shown on the Rose device the same?
    Please change Rose device–>RoseHome–>recently played artists–>All to Apple Music.
  3. On your Rose device, are there any songs from artists shown in Recently Played Artists in the integrated queue?
  4. Does your RoseConnect app have that artist track or album in your recently played tracks or albums?


I will fully answer your questions tomorrow but here is a screen shot of Apple Music where someone is playing files in my account. I have changed my password but it seems that it is continuing after the change.

Only one of those items displayed (the first one) is mine the rest came from someone else.

  1. I use a Mac Studio and an iPad
  2. Yes, they do appear to be the same. The extra albums appear under the RS 130 Device as well when Apple only is selected.
  3. I’m afraid I might give the wrong answer. Where is the integrated queue located on the RS130? I believe the answer is no but I might be wrong.
  4. Are the recently played tracks in RoseConnect at RoseHome-> Favorite → Recent?
    That looks correct to me


I have checked the Apple queue on the RS 130 after removing the existing queue last night. There are now four new songs on it.

  1. Sleeping on the Blacktop
  2. 7 Minutes
  3. Numb
  4. Sleeping on the Blacktop
    None of these songs are familiar to me, nor have I ever played or added them
    These four songs are in the total queue.
    The four songs are NOT in Music

On the RoseConnect under Apple Music History April 2024:

  1. The four songs (unknowns) are not on the recently played tracks (empty since I haven’t played anything since I cleared the list last last night)
  2. The unknowns are NOT on My History -Playlist
  3. The unknowns ARE on My History- Album
  4. The unknowns are NOT on my History-Track (empty)
  5. The the artists who play the unknowns ARE on my History- Artist



We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

From what I can see, it looks like someone is using your Rose account.
After changing your Apple Music account password, please also change the password for your Rose account. If you still have this problem, please let me know