Are there any clear instructions on Roon setup with RS130?

RS 130 plugged onto Ethernet port of Google Mesh node. It has internal SSD where music is loaded. Works fine. BUT…

What do I need to do to get it onto Roon so that the SSD is recognized as the source of my stored music? Roon is downloaded onto my Mac. I turn on WiFi on streamer but it sees zero networks (I have 3). That’s true even if I turn off Ethernet. It just sees nothing. Is there supposed to be a wifi antenna? I don’t see where it would even be plugged in, and no antenna either. Is there a setting that would allow Roon to find it.

Anyone have any idea?

The Wi-Fi chip is inside a dongle/antenna that plugs into one of the USB ports. One should have come with your RS 130.
Also review this video on YouTube. It will show you how to open your RS 130 to your network.
