Audio Interface not connected. Please reboot

Hi there,

I bought a RS130 some weeks ago. It was dead on arrival with repeating messages like:
“Audio Interface not working. Please wait or reboot…”

According to some other users here in the forum experience the same issue mainly with RS150b I contacted my dealer and send this unit back.

Today I received another RS130 and I get the same error.

Am I unlucky getting 2 units the same error dead on arrival or I am doing something wrong?

I did an OS update and several reboots, but no success.
Connection I use:
Ethernet and SPDIF.

Kind regards


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
If you tell us the Rose device model you are using and the symptoms you are using via email below, we will send you the file that fixes the issue and how to install the file.

@ROSEHAN Thanks for the answer. So the issue is SW based?

Meanwhile I returned it to my Dealer. But I will tell him about this thread. So maybe he will contact you.
Dealer: Projekt Akustik Germany.

Kind regards

Update. My Dealer told me in both cases the connection cable to Audio Interface was not connected an was hanging around.
I assume it got loose while shipment.