Auto power off function

I’d like to request an auto power off function. Most of my audio and video equipment switches off after some time without input. It seems like an easy function to include in a new software update since you can switch it off via WiFi. I sometimes forget to switch off my audio equipment, only to find everything powered down the next morning, except for my Rose streamer.



We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Rose device does not have a function to automatically turn off the device after a few minutes of not using the device.
However the function marked in red in the photo below is the Sleep timer settings. This is a function that automatically turns off the device after a set time whether the device is used or not from the set time.

Thank you

Hi Rosehan,
Thanks for your reply and your suggestion, but that doen’t help when you forget to switch it off. The timer function only helps when you expect to forget it. Sometimes I switch on my Rose just to check something, change a setting, or edit a playlist, or whatever. I don’t even have to be in the same room. Then I just close the app on my phone and forget about the player being powered on. I’m sure I am not the only one who does this and I’m also sure I am not the only one to come home after a couple of days, to find their player still powered on. With the timer already built in, it seem to me an auto power off function shouldn’t be that complicated. Maybe you can even add the ability to choose between 10, 30 or 60 minutes of inactivity. Most audio and video equipment have a similar function.
Thank you



As a result of talking with the person in charge of the software, it is said that a function to automatically turn off or go to standby mode by setting a time when Rose equipment is not used is added.

Thank you

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Great news Rosehan. We’ll eagerly await the next software update.

Best wishes,

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The person in charge of the software said that there is an additional consideration for that function.
But I don’t know if it will be added in the next update.

Thank you


I’m sure you can make that happen :grinning:

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I would appreciate this function too !!

One practical example of why this is a good and useful and frankly a function that should have been implemented from the beginning…
This morning we went on a holiday and just before we left a friend asked me for some advice on the Rose, for which I had to check the device. I didn’t play any music and I was in another room. And after checking so completely forgot about the Rose because we were busy packing.
Guess what I remembered when we were already on our way. So we had to turn back just to switch off the Rose.


As much as you want this feature to be added, we are working hard and developing it.
Thank you for your understanding even if it takes a little time.

Thank you

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Thanks Rosehan. I really appreciate your effort!

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Forgeting to shutdown downn gear is not a serious stand. Most of electronic equipment goes into standby but this is not shutdown and is inproper to leave it like that for few days off:
-they still draw the electricity when the user is not using them
-they can blow and cause e.g. fire since are not removed with a physical switch from the wall socket

Having auto shut off is a nice feature but not definitely with the mentioned reasons above.

Besides it is expected one has a power sugre protection thus power cord extension which has a power switch and all the components connected to it will be fully shutoff and safe.

Personally all my gear have a main switch (or relay) you have to press to turn it on/off and this is valid for most serious hifi gear on the market.

So maybe Rose should implement harwdare switch on the back (as a part of psu iec socket) to have a user on/off control to really turn it off…


I think the RS150 and 250 (and maybe some other models) are designed to make use of the standby mode instead of completely powered off when you’re not using them.

None of electronic devices are shut of if you don’t have a mechanical switch to turn them off. Electronic type switch still drains the power from the socket however small that consumption is.
Rs150,201,520 have electronic switch only. I own all 3 models and I’m not happy not having mechanical switch. I can do that modifications by myself but would appreciate to be a stock option.

If it is so important to completely switch off to save power, hasn’t there been the easiest solution since before the internet? A PowerBar with a switch. Turn off all your gear at once. I used that with my pc to turn off all extra gear at once.

What is also very convenient for those who like to save power and use led lighting etc. I use lighting that I can control from my phone from anywhere with internet. It switches on x minutes after sundown and off when it’s time for bed. You can also control individual power sockets. I use the tuya protocol stuff from the Dutch Action store. Works great and is very cheap. Or you can use the Philips or zigbee stuff. You never have to worry anymore if you turned off the lights. Or make the rounds at night turning off all the switches. You can even do it while on vacation.

Personally I prefer what Rose did. It uses a minimal amount of current yet I can still access the internal drive to transfer files.

I’m just wondering… :thinking: I can turn off my Tuya lighting while I’m on 4G and no Wi-Fi, but the Rose needs me to be on wifi even when the Rose is connected by rj45 cable. So I assume it only uses the internal Wi-Fi ip adress. That means you can’t switch it off when your off your local Wi-Fi. This means privacy is better protected.

It means, the power switch is missing near iec socket on a rear side. Simple and elegant solution, also when you are exchanging the power cables and test them. More convincing is to ensure electronic part is off during that period, particularly if the contacts can be bad etc… there is a dozen of reasons why power switch should be there from security perspective

I understand, but it is wishful thinking that doesn’t solve anything. I was being practical and pragmatic. Well, I’m not going to add a power switch even if I have those standard in my stash. Pulling the plug is even simpler than using a power switch. The effect is quite the same.

Unless… We are talking about an external PS, sometimes called wall-wart. Then you could see sparks fly. But that’s not the case here.

So maybe it’s an idea for a newer model. Then you could use one of those Tuya robotic hands I saw that can turn off your light switch. :blush: Yes, these exist. Turn off your grannies light over the internet.

Well, if I can turn off Chord, dCS, Audio Note or simmilar digital gear, have no reasons not to do it with Rose hawing a switch on psu. And no, pulling the plug is not the same as having a switch, these are the basics in electronic, particularly when you read the schematic and how things are designed on that part…