Back panel line in?

Hi, looking at replacing two modest boxes with an RS250/250a. I see it has an RCA analog input. Is this a pass through, or does the unit modify or digitize the signal? I’m out of line inputs on my preamp, and this would be a really great solution. I’d be running my phono preamp through it, hypothetically.

I run a Sony hmk - 70 vintage trio deck
With radio ,tape and record deck that has a pre amp built in . I connected this to my rose rs250
Via rca inputs .The rca cables come out of the hmk-70 ( tape out ) and into the rose on analogue in.

Then - the rose is connected to my marantz sr 7013 .
On the rose rs250 main screen
I press
in / out settings
Analogue in

Input = line in L
line in R
Choose pre level settings ie 200mv or more
If it’s not loud enough.

So not sure if this answers your questions
But yes you can connect a record deck to the rose

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