Bluetooth transmitter

So I have bought a sennheieser BT T100 I have connected it to my Rose RS520. It is recognised and found under Bluetooth. My Apple max headphones connect to the blue tooth transmitter but there is no sound. I have used the optical out on the Rose and optical in on the transmitter. I also change the source to optical out. The screen says playing Bluetooth audio, but there is no audio there. What is it I have done wrong. Please help as at night I have to use a pair of headphones. Thanks Caz

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I really do wish someone would help with this. What am I doing wrong. Please see above message.
I think Rose should be offering help. Getting to the stage where I am going to swap my rose unit out as I really need to be able to use headphones.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Please answer a few questions.

  1. What kind of music does the RS520 play?
    Can’t hear sound from all sources?
  2. If you press the gear icon in the input/output settings on RS520, there is a PCM Resampling function. Does the same symptom occur if you set this to 44.1 or 48kHz?
  3. When you unplug the optical cable connected to the BT T100 and check the cable, is there a red light coming out of the port?
  4. When using analog 3.5mm input, will sound be output from Apple Max headphones?

So I have a turntable and. Rose CD player. So both vinyl and CD are used and work fine. So does streaming.
I also have an Apple account where I download music to my iPhone and I am able to play this music through the streamer. I can hear music from all sources through the speakers.
Yes the port light is red.
So when I checked the PCM port and changed to 48kHz Bluetooth audio began to play through my head phones. So thank you for responding and your help.
I have another question will I be able to use the CD player and turntable with the headphones. The out put is set on optical. I assume I will set the input to whatever source I am using and this will work.
Kind regards


How do you connect a CD player and turntable?
Are you trying to use it like below?
CD player/turntable β†’ RS520 β†’ BT T100 β†’ Headphones?

A CD player can be played by connecting it to RS520.
If you have a turntable with a phono amplifier in the middle, you can use Line In.