Bookshelf, bigboy, floorspeaker (low volume)

can somebody explain to me how to use the speaker outputs (and what they do ?) my volume is low…


Which is your device?

the Rose Hifi RS520…

Hello @ Fraf61

It seems you have not yet had an answer to your original question. There are two options on the RS520 :

  1. Via Rose Connect App
    Settings >Input/Output Settings>Output. Click on the “Gear Wheel” in the top left corner of Preamp R and Preamp L box. > Speaker Type Selection. Select your option. > Click Apply in top right corner.
  2. Via RS520 touch screen
    In/Out Settings> Click “Gear Wheel” above the speakers section.> Select Speaker Type > Click Apply in top right corner.
    Apologies in advance if you already have this information. If not, I hope it helps.
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Hi Martini, thanks. but i wouldt like to knowe what effect is of the choice you make if you select bigboy, floorspeaker and default ? Grts Frank

Hi Frank
The difference is volume.
When I purchased my RS520 I could not understand why my 250 watts per channel RS520 delivered a much lower sound volume than my previous Naim Uniti 50 watts per channel.
After the Rose 4.6.07 Software Release I discovered that my Floor Standing Quad S4 speakers were set to “ Bookshelf”. The three other options were TallBoy ( never heard a speaker called that before ! ) , Floor Standing & Default Volume Curve.
I discussed these settings with my dealer and he recommended the Floor Standing option. The difference was amazing. Whereas before I was listening to Tidal with the volume setting at 55, I was now listening with the volume setting at 30. The sound also appeared smoother.
I don’t know what speakers you have but I would suggest you experiment with the different settings according to your speaker type. If you are still unsure, speak with your dealer.
In my opinion 4.6.07 was a very significant software release for RS520 users.
Good luck !

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Hi Martini, that was also my problem I don’t have an easy speaker (electrostat) but with 250 watts the volume at 90 can’t be true anyway. That’s why I started experimenting. I changed the setting from bookshelf to floorstand and turned off the software volume control. then it was much better ! Bigboy and Default are still a mysterie to me… and It is a pity that many of these things are not explained anywhere. thank you very much !
Grts Frank

Hello Frank.
You are so right ! A famous Hollywood movie director, once said that “ assumption is the cause of all f#%k ups “ and this really does apply to HIFi Rose. They assume that as soon as we proudly remove our shiny new purchase from the packaging, we have the same level of product knowledge as they do !
If a comprehensive user guide was available I’m sure it would result in a large reduction of questions on this forum as well as allowing the HIFi Rose staff more time to focus on other things !
Glad you sorted your problem !

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I stumbled upon this setting last night and my RS-520 was also set to bookshelf. I changed to floor standing and I am amazed at the improvement in sound/volume! The Focal Vestia N4’s are really singing now.

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Glad you found this very important setting. It makes a huge difference to sound quality as well as volume. I’m still disappointed that neither HiFi Rose nor their distributors make any mention of this in their user manuals and / or “ how to”:videos. There must still be Rose users out there who are still unaware of this feature and wondering why their 250 watts per channel amplifier is not driving their speakers as they imagined !

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