Cannot find Apple Music on connect app on MAC?

Hello, i cannot find the Apple Music app in the rose connect app on my Imac desktop.
I have the latest software version.
I see tidal etcetera but not Apple Music ?

On my Iphone i can search for music on Apple Music in the connect app,no problem.
And it plays also on the device Rose RS201E

And also, where can i find my playlists ?


Currently, Apple music is not added to the RoseConnect PC version. It will be added in the future.

Rose device–>Rosehome–>House icon at the top left–>My playlist
RoseConnect app–>Home–>Explore–> If you scroll down, you will find My playlist.

Oh , i hope soon.
I use my Imac very often.
So i really miss Apple Music there.

Hello, one work around, if you have a iMac (or other Apple computer) with the latest Apple Chips (M1, M2 or M3), is to install the ‘RoseConnect Premium’ from the apple store. It will take the iPad version.
It’s what I did on my M1 Macbook Air, and it works like a charm. And it get updated every time the iOS version of ‘RoseConnect Premium’ is updated.
And So no need to download and install the new zip file.

And in this version, you have Apple Music Access!