Can't Play Rose Tube on RS 250


I can’t play Rose Tube on my RS 250 player as well as the App. The message is “Fail to play the URL”. Other functions like Radio, Music and Apple Music are ok.

I’ve tried Off and On the player and also the internet modem but it still does not work.

Appreciate your help.

Thank you
George Kok

Same here. Thought it was the EA version causing the problem but the normal version does not work either.

I also had the same problem 2 days ago

Appreciate a reply from HiFi Rose.

Thank you.
George Kok

Я не могу воспроизвести Rose Tube на моем плеере RS 250, а также приложение. Сообщение «Не удалось воспроизвести URL».
I can’t play Rose Tube on my RS 250 player as well as the App. The message is “Fail to play the URL”

Dear Hi-Fi Rose users

Rosetube was in the process of being modified due to changes in the API due to YouTube policy.
This problem can be resolved by accessing the Rosestore app on your Rose device and updating Rosetube to the latest version.

Thank you