CD-Ripping - questions, thoughts and a few ideas

I really enjoy the Rose RSA780 disc drive and the ability to rip my CD collection directly to my RS250 but after 1 week of intensive use, I thought about a few things.

  1. Disc recognition in the metadatabase often fails and responds to the wrong disc. Is it possible to change / select the database entry by hand to find the correct entry, when the same checksum responds to different ads / database entries?
  2. Is it possible to submit the hand made metadata stuff to the database so other Rose users can benefit from this work?
  3. The ripping protocol button after the completed ripping session is hard to read because of a wall of text. It should be much easier to recognize, if a track/album was ripped successfully or not.

My suggestion is: Instead of using words, a responding icon could do the job

a green check symbol says - ripped successful
a Red Cross says - track skipped / errors in reading track

On the position right next to the the play button, we could have a changed ripping protocol icon… if all tracks are ripped successfully we could see the same green check symbol… if there are any errors, we could see the Red Cross sign or a yellow one if some tracks are ripped correct and a few ones are skipped/with errors etc.

I know the space on the touch display is limited to show lots of status icons but a further enhancement of this visual simplification could be a green font color of track title if the correct finished ripped tracks so its easy to recognize the issues. If errors, make the font color of the meta data red.

I also would enjoy it to select tracks for ripping, to re-rip songs again if needed.

A function to rip a complete cd into 1 single file would also be a great thing.


I sincerely appreciate your deep consideration and suggestions about Rose. Our current ripping system has some inconvenient points, and there are parts that can be improved. Especially, it is very uncomfortable to load the metadata of other CDs or not read it at all.
We are considering several ways to improve this. One of them is using Shazam. Just like searching for music and displaying album covers through Shazam on the radio, we are considering a way to improve accuracy in ripping through Shazam. Of course, this could also have disadvantages, or it could be scrapped due to difficulties in development. I also think the method you mentioned is a good idea. Either way, we will try to minimize the inconvenience by maximizing the accuracy as much as possible.
Also, we will consider changing to an intuitive interface when using ripping.

Thank you very much for your good suggestion.


thank you for replying to my ideas.

Another solution to handle the metadata behavior could be the implementation of the discogs community. This huge community based database would be a huge step but I can’t say anything about the requirements to implement discogs functionality to a product like the Rose software.

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I’m also struggling a little with the ripping …
i) I have CDs which the system completely misidentifies … for instance a copy of Aja by Steely Dan on MCA (MCAD37214) which it identifies as a female vocalist of whom I’ve never heard.
ii) More importantly, on the disks I have tried so far, it suffers from a number of different failures with 2 and 3 CD sets … for instance
Jesse Cook (2CD) (09463-36007-2-0 Narada) it identifies all the tracks (26) as being on the first disk, and identifies that 13 fail to load … it then seems to load the second disk, but it cannot be found when I try to play it back
Yo-Yo-Ma Six Evolutions (2CD) (19075854652 Sony) it loads the first disk correctly, but then identifies the second disk as the first disk again.

Handling transfer of music from multiple CDs requires careful thought and planning. In some cases (like the Jesse Cook), they are a lot of separate items and treating them as 2 separate disks is potentially acceptable … however, for long pieces of music (Handel’s Messiah, JS Bach’s Matthew Passion, Mahler’s 9th Symphony, or even modern pieces like Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway … you really want the option of playing them as one continuous piece without the need to break in the middle to select a new CD !

Please give this some thought in your consideration of changes to the ripping.

Another quick thought … for classical music it is preferable to be able to sort by artist (performer) or by composer.

I thought about other tiny tweaks for cd ripping.

When a ripping session of a cd is finished without any errors - throw out the disc so you can see that the ripping process is done without errors.

Then It would be nice to have an edit function in the rose apps to add or correct meta data stuff