hello community and Rose team,
I wanna discuss a strange behavior of my Rose RS250 and RSA-780 in combination related to rip audio cds.
Before I describe this behavior I want to tell that all my audio cds are in very good shape. no scratches or finger prints or other dirty stuff on it. I care about my music collection I don’t have any disc with some kind of copy protection (hidden partitions, toc or something like that)
I ripped about 300 discs, most of them are ripped completely and correct with all the tracks. But sometimes I found some ripped albums with missed tracks… sometimes the first one was missing, sometimes track 1-3 and the ripping procedure started at track no. 4.
When I had such a ripping session I stopped the ripping immediately and restarted the procedure again (without ejecting disc, without cleaning disc or other stuff). After the 2nd run, the album was ripped completely in all cases.