Connecting MacBook Pro and Rose 201E

Hello - I have fitted a 2TB SSD to my Rose 201E, and formatted it. Using Finder on my MacBook, I can see the 201E on my network, and a folder called ‘share’. However, when I try to copy files from my MacBook to this folder, I get this message;

<<Items can’t be copied to “share” because you don’t have permission to read them.>>

Could you please clarify how I can get past this? I think the answer may be in section 3.2.9 of the manual, but I don’t find this easy to understand, nor what steps I should follow in order to be able to drag and drop files from my MacBook onto the 201E SSD.

Also - I can no longer see a separate SSD that has been connected with a USB cable - it used to be visible in the ‘folder’ view, but is no longer visible now that the SSD has been fitted, How can I see this separate SSD?

Have you set up your Rose 201E with a WebDav account on the unit? With those credentials and the Rose unit issued link you should have full access from your Mac (Use Go and connect to server, etc. on the Mac.).

Best if you also set your 201E with a fixed IP as if DCHP address may change unless you bind the Rose 201E MAC address to a fixed IP address.

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Thanks - the connection works now.

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