Details on the Rose RS520 shown at Munich Hi Fi?

When can we expect details on the RS520 shown at Munich? Looks like it could be a nice answer for my TV to power 2.1 set up?


About RS520, exact schedule is not opened yet. We expect it to be in the fourth quarter of this year.

is this is 520? rose442561338_n|683x456

Yes it is!

I though RS520 was a typo at first glance LOL…

Is it a successor to RS150?

I guess, its just the streamer without the dac or the RS250 with Linear PSU? Top plate looks nice but confusing. What kind of unit needs so much ventilation.

Hope its not the new RS150. Just bought 1…

From Hi-Fi News Magazine Mr Sean Kim

It looks like an amplified model since it has air intakes. In the very different case from rs150 / 250

Thank you! That’s nice info!

Hmmm, RS150 streamer with an amp on RA180 Level… that does sound interesting.

Something I really would wanna try!.. I’ll put the search for a power amp on hold for now.

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Cannot install any HD/SSD?


You can install SSD/HDD.

Great to know! Thanks!

Are we any closer to an expected availability date?


It depends on your distributor.

Please contact your distributor about detailed schedule.

Best Regards,