Did bugs got solved?


I have ordered a RS130 and later on I will perhaps order a RD160. Wat worries me is all the reports about bugs in the firmware/software. So I’d like to ask the community: did you ever experience anything with your Rose equipment that was definitely a bug but was completely solved in a bug fix after a software update?

One bug solved, another bugs show up, endless…

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I’ve never experienced any bugs that prevented me from using the RS130 the way I intended when I bought it.
There was a bug that prevented me (everyone) from watching YouTube videos via RoseTube recently and that has been fixed

You have to understand that HARDWARE ROSE operates at the highest level, but their software is almost always in a development stage.

I don’t use ROON, but I have a feeling that I might start soon, just because of the buggy software.

If you use ROON, go for it without a second thought.

But if controlling the device with the original software is important to you, then think twice.

Personally, I’m used to it, and it doesn’t bother me. I use the iPad app on my MacBook Pro, and it works better than the MacOS app.


I use plexamp to stream my music because rose connect is so bad, and also because i don’t want to paid 15 euro to use roon.

For example if you have music compilation then each tracks from this compilation will show as a single album (i have compilations with more than 100 tracks = 100 different album). We asked a 1000 times to resolve this but rose doesn’t listen to us.

Please fix Jimibxl’s compilation problem - please please expide software fixes for this community’s reported problems (also, log fixes with every firmware update).

This is critical to HiFI Rose’s reputation.

Dear Weerstandje,
There a serious bug when playing DSF/DSD files. Every time between the tracks there is a loud click. This is acknowledged but until today not solved. Whereas I have hundreds of DSF/DSD files this is a real problem but if you only play Flac files you are ok.
Kind regards,
Jan Drenthen

Hey! How do you use Plex with your Rose? Any insights or problems? I’m considering purchasing the RS520 and starting my library with Plex.

I use it with roon. Works fine never had eny issues. Fore data transport I use the optic fiber options to connect to the switch. Great improment in sound when I compare to the sonnet hermes i had before