Displaying Album Artist


I realise iyou may have already frozen the feature updates for the next version due at the end of this month but could you please add the Album Artist tag to the Song, Genre, Artists and Composer tags displayed under Classification tab.

I frequently want to go to a list of the albums by a particular artist, which needs to use Album Artist. if you have a couple of compilations like Now That’s What I Call Music for example you can end up with hundreds of entries in the Artists list each having only a single song. This makes it more difficult to get to the artist you actually want.

U appreciate that the current behaviour is sometimes exactly what you want, which is why Album Artist should be there as well as Artists, not instead of.

Hopefully I’ve explained this clearly enough and it can be fairly easily implemented.


We will not be adding any additional content other than the updates we have posted. Previously, we were constantly adding new features even the day before an update, so we didn’t have time to check for bugs. In this update, our goal is to prevent new bugs from appearing as much as possible after announcing the updates.

Fully understood - I think everyone would prefer stability and no new bugs being introduced.

Could we add it to the list for the release after please?