Does RS250 support a WiFi dongle

Is a wifi dongle supported on the RS250? If yes, has anyone tired one?

There is WiFi build-in


As leefowan said, the RS250 has WiFi built-in.
Even if you use a dongle to RS250, it is the same as when not connected.

Thank you

Thank you both. I was just wondering if using a WiFi dongle with the RS250 would improve the strength of the WiFi signal. Thank you. What WiFi dongles are approved??


In case of RS150/RS520, Easynet Ubiquitous NEXT 531WBT model and NEXT 1265WBTA dongle are supported.

Thank you

They both seem to only be available in Korea. Is there a U.S. model that works|?


Currently, the models we can support after testing are the models mentioned above.
If you contact the distributor in your country, you may have a spare dongle.

Thank you