Dolby Atmos problems

I have a huge problem! Tidal has started to release a lot of music in Dolby Atmos Quality. But my Hifi Rose can’t play them, as it apparently doesn’t support it… What do I do?

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Use headphones for those tracks.

Hello @RenisseD

We do not support Tidal’s 360 Reality Audio, Dolby Atmos sound source in Hi-Firose. We apologize for any inconvenience during use.

Thank you

Well, I have no problems with Hifi rose not supporting Atmos… But why can’t it play the tracks as ordinary CD files… My Bluesound does that without any problems! For instance, the new David Paich (Toto) solo album is only in Atmos Quality, except for the two singles! So when I try to play the new album it’s only possible to play 2 out of 7 tracks! Can’t you rectify that? Or else more and more music can’t be played :pensive::pensive:

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If you are on Apple Music, i think you can select that in the Apple App.

I’m not on Apple! I’m interested in continuing using Rose’s own app!

Can’t you find an equivalent album without Atmos tracks?

In some cases, but as mentioned, David Paich is only on Dolby Atmos, except from the singles…

It’s strange that such an expensive device can’t do things that a regular phone can do. The manufacturer did not inform about this in any available materials.

I find that unacceptable, especially if Rose isn’t going to do anything about it. They should inform about limited functionality.