Dropouts when streaming Lossless format

Dropouts of music from Tidal or Qobuz, when in Lossless hi res format. This seems to be a fairly recent thing, the past couple of weeks is when its become consistent.

I have a Roon Nucleus sending to a Hifi Rose 150b. When i play the Tidal music directly from the Rose (bypassing the Roon) the dropouts still occur. At the very least it doesnt seem to be Roon related.

I currently have the Rose as decoder and renderer, but I have tested using it only as a renderer with no MQA decoding and the dropouts still occurred.

Both the Roon and the Rose are connected to an 8 port switch with a direct uplink to my FIOS internet router with a 1GB internet link.

I’ve tried restarting every hardware device in the path to no avail.

( I believe there has been a recent Rose software update ? I cant say with certainty thats the issue though)

Version info below.

By drop outs, do you mean a pausing of the playback while buffering owed to latency or the like? Reason I ask is that I’m getting that now on Qobuz just over the last week or so with my rs130… just posted something on it.

Pauses or breaks during playback and eventually the song will skip after a few dropouts.

Same here when using Qobuz. Tidal has not done this, neither has RoseTube. Seems like something is going on with Qobuz, which is a bummer because that’s my fav streaming service.

Same thing with my RS130 regularly over the last few days. Not just with Roon, but also with Spotify and playing directly from my nas.
No changes in my network setup, or anything else in my music chain.

The music doesn’t so playing, it’s just stops sounding (time still progresses). What does help is to push pause and then play.

Of course, highly annoying!
@ROSEHAN: I wish the Rose team have a thorough look into this issue and provides us with an answer, or rather, a solution.

Dear Hi-Fi Rose users

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Currently we are not experiencing the same phenomenon as you. I need your help to solve the problem.
Users who would like to help us, please answer the questions below by emailing us below.

  1. Please tell us the model name of the Rose device you use.

  2. Please tell us the Rose ID of your Rose device.
    Rose device–>Settings–>System info–>Rose ID

  3. If you go to the RoseStore app on your Rose device and uninstall and reinstall Qobuz or Tidal, does the same problem appear?

  4. Do RoseRadio and Rosetube play normally without interruption?

  5. Please provide your Qobuz and Tidal accounts and password. We need to confirm that it appears in your account.

Hi Rosehan, thanks for stepping in!

From my side I can tell you, I’m using a RS130. For now I won’t share my Rose ID, except through DM.

The occurrence of the dropouts seem to have stopped as quickly as it appeared. For now.
During the passed few days, luckily I didn’t experience any.

I sincerely hope this state that way, but I will surely report back the moment the phenomenon starts again!

Back again. What I had determined is that whenever the Rose device shuts down unexpectedly, it has to be shut down gracefully, powered off and then restarted, otherwise the Roon stream will break. It was consistent- however I had come up with a reliable fix.

Today my Hifi Rose updated software again - and now I’m having the lossless flac file drops again. I’ve tried my prior Rose troubleshooting methods and they dont seem to work.

The rose is consistently dropping any lossless file streamed through it.

Why does it seem like a software upgrade breaks this setup.

What can I do to have my Rose reliably stream without faltering?

Back to this. I have now tried 3 different switches, including using my verizon router as a switch. WHENEVER ethernet is chosen as the input for music, there are drops and song skips. The error is “Tidal loading slowly.”

This Never happens when i connect my roon to my rose 250b over USB. That tells me the music is streaming down fine and my internet connection is fine.

The Rose CANNOT process lossless flac files over ethernet from my Roon without eventually dropping packets. Its frustrating.

I just purchased an English Electric 8 port network switch (audio specialized switch) and still the SAME problem.

Someone from Rose- Please explain how am I supposed to use ethernet to stream music? This is an essential functionality and its been a year and its still a problem. Please provide me with SOMETHING to fix this.

I don’t quite understand your set up. Do you run Tidal through the Rose app, or through Roon, when it produces drop outs?

The roon is the front end, it connects to tidal and then sends to the Rose for decoding and analog translation. I’ve tried using the Rose as the streamer by connecting to tidal but had the same issue

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Basically no matter what the setup, or equipment, if I use my $5k Rose DAC to receive hi res audio over ethernet, its 100% unreliable. I’m about to lose patience with this thing, especially because I’ve never been given any attempts at resolution.

I have a solid understanding of networking. I bet if I can force the ethernet port to use 1000mbps/full duplex instead of “auto negotiate” (which I assume its set to) - this may help the issue. But I havent figured out any way to access those settings.

Is there a shell in which I can change the hardocded ethernet port settings? At least that would be something to test.

Highest rate Tidal track won’t stress a 100Mb connection either (you should be able to confirm the speed it is connected at by looking at lights on the switch). I’d try a different cable, and maybe temporarily using WiFi. If the latter works there might be a problem with the NIC…