DSD files with .dsf extensions cannot be played


I have about 5-6 SACDs that uploaded to my NAS and trying to play then through my R150B but I get a message that the file cannot be recognized. Does ROSE support SACD DSD files?


My 250 plays DSF files fine. Are yours stereo or multichannel?

That’s the right answer:
Rose doesn’t supports multichannel dsf files, only in stereo.

Thanks for the response.
Yes, mine are multi-channel files. Any idea if there is a plan to support them in the future?
Meanwhile, does anyone knows if there is a way to convert multichannel files to stereo?

That was discussed earlier - and as the Rose is a Stereo only device, there is no chance for this.
You would need a Multichannel Decoder in order to play them.
For MCH SACD I use my oppo203 - played directly from disc - easiest way.
or you can export the Stereo DSF, and enjoy them.

Not only does my RS-250 play all DSD files ( SACD and others) I have a small Chinese box that accepts my SACD and DVD Audio/ Blu-Ray Audio - via i2s ( HDMI) output into the box, then into the ROSE>
I am playing all digital files -totally digital no analog conversion. The DAC shows it as DSD and Hirez
the sound is amazing.
If you need help to do this. just ask. The box is under $!00.00
Bill Stewart

He was asking for Multi Channel DSF - Stereo DSF do work fine.
My Stereo DSF Files do play direct from Roon - no extra Hardware needed.

The reason I asked is some players convert multi-channel to 2ch on-the-fly. If Rose would support such a feature in the future?

Thank you. Can you send me the details? Would really like to explore.

The problem in converting multichannel dsf-files to stereo is, that in the most cases, you need a resampling to PCM (for example possible with foobar2000).
But you can try HQPlayer as offline converter, which is able to stay in the DSD area.

Another way is, to use use Roon, which will convert the multichannel sources on the fly to stereo, when using the RS150 as Roon endpoint.

For me: I’ve for all my SACD rips stereo and (if available) multichannel done.