Since longer time I’m using a RS250 together with USB DAC and today a RS150 is added to another system.
Here I only use the analogue outputs, set software volume off, preamp mode to a fixed gain (volume control off) and DSD to native.
Primarily Roon is used and here I’m upsampling to DSD512 (I’ve also a lot of DSD sources).
Roon shows this path:
In the Rose app, I see a different path:
For me it’s seems, that the Rose RS150 (with the RS250 it seems to be the same) can’t handle DSD native using it’s DAC, but resamples in every case to PCM before decoding.
Is this true and if it’s true: It’s there a chance to change it (I mean, that the AK4499EQ can handle DSD native)?
Thinking a bit more and played now a DSD512 album from my NAS directly with the Rose app:
Here you see: It’s played as expected.
For this means: You can’t play with the Rose devices through Roon DSD without conversion to PCM in using the analogue outputs.
For analog outputs you can’t set DoP and in Rose’s Roon/RAAT implementation DoP is used, which seems results to a converting to PCM.
For me this is P1 bug (hey, a RS150B costs over 4000€) and not conform to the Roon Ready certificate!!!
By the way the AK4499EQ performs best with DSD256 and DSD512…