Dutch translation fix

In Dutch there is imo a wrong translation of the term “air quality”.
In dutch it says: “Signaal-ruis kwaliteit”
Better translation is: “Luchtkwaliteit”

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Hi, We’ll fix that.
Thanks for pointing that out.

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Also in the Rose connect app: when you change a setting (eg. the in out settings) you have to save them. In Dutch that would be ‘opslaan’ instead of ‘toevoegen’.

I do quite a bit of Dutch translating for English and American companies. Maybe I could help you get your Dutch translations right?

Best wishes,

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Translation issues; enabled and disabled.

Enabled= ingeschakeld
Disabled = uitgeschakeld

Gehandicapt means, people with a disability.


Thank you for the feedback. We will update this.

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Thank you very much for your help. It is always appreciated.