External Dirac device

I like Rose RS150 sound so much but my room acoustics problem could not be solved. Is it possible RS150 work with an external Dirac Live correction DSP device thou’ the Rose digital in/out?


Hello, room or dirac is also under consideration, but it is difficult to update in the near future. Currently, we are focusing on stabilization rather than adding new features.


My suggestion is not built-in dirac, just to know is it possible to activate the rs150 digital out and digital in at the same time. So we could add an external dirac device in between during streaming or playing other sources?

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Rose → SPDIF → Minidsp Flex (digital version) → Dirac Process → SPDIF → Rose → Internal D/A → Preout/AMP → Speaker

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This problem is not possible because there are 2 inputs.

Thank you

Thx. You means this suggestion is not possible ?

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This is my favorite Rose answer of all time :+1:

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It’s interesting that this topic was brought up over 2 years ago; I recently bought the 150B and was wondering the same. Any sort of room-correction ability that can integrate in to the Rose 150B will be immensely useful for me.
My weakest link in the system right now is the room-acoustics. The speakers, amp and Rose 150B, cables, components and what-not are top-notch. I moved the system to a smaller room with no acoustic problems and the auditory experience is brilliant. But I didn’t buy the system for that room :slight_smile:

Hi, it’s possible,
I have an external Dirac via the Rose’s optical output, but since the external device is also a simultaneous DAC, I have sacrificed the Rose’s DAC to have my room under control. The result is very good. But it would be better if my Rose150 incorporated the Dirac…it’s about time…


The Dirac feature is still under internal review. However, it is delayed due to various other review issues rather than technical issues.
Once the conclusion is reached, we will try to apply it to multiple models if possible.

@nachocom - ty for letting me know about this. I’m going to try this out with one of the streamer+DAC that I wanted to use for another room.

@ROSEHAN - looking forward to this integration since I have a very large room to fill and bought your beautiful product for it :slight_smile: this will really make the 150B a world-class stand-out investment for me :slight_smile: