Favoritos en vista albun

Como puedo agregar una carpeta de mi biblioteca, a favoritos, se me ha creado alguna automáticamente pero una que quiero yo no se como hacerlo. Gracias


You can add the music you want to your Rose device in two ways.
One way is to add the desired sound source to the Playlist, and the other is to add the desired sound source to Favorite.

Playlist is predetermined list of tracks, not playing now-playlist can be edited, added to or deleted manually.
The purpose of playlist isrp0 to group together a set of related tracks for playback in specific order
Playlist can be stored for a long time and a user-made playlist can be stored on ROSE and played at any time.

Favorite is a function to save favorite music albums, etc., like Playlist. However, thee difference between playlists and Favorite is that Favorite is stored in one place rather than grouped and saved like a Playlist.

Thank you