Feature wish : Suggestion menu Music (Français/English)

Why “Album” on its own and have one more step to go to “classification” to find “Artist”, “genre”…
I suggest a single line “album” “Artist” “Genre”…
Or having the choice of the one we want to see on the first line (personally it would be “Artist”, that’s how I go to choose, never by “album”, I have too many ! )

Pourquoi “Album” tout seul et avoir une étape de plus pour aller dans “classification” pour trouver “Artist”, “genre” …
Je suggère une seule ligne “album” “Artist” “Genre” …
Ou avoir le choix de celui qu’on veut voir sur la première ligne (personnellement ce serait “Artist”, c’est par là que je passe pour choisir, jamais par “album”, j’en ai trop !)

Have a nice day


More sort features are very welcome.
I can’t find the best practice for me at the moment.

When I sort by album name, I have to swipe tons of entries when I look for the newest ones (ok, i could use search function…)
When I sort by artist, I have seperated entries for lots of albums because the artist tag is used in case of feature artists (not the album artist tag to group all songs related to an album to one entry in the list)

I would prefer more sort settings… by release year, (or release date - for a better logic sort order from newest to oldest or vice versa), newly added content, most played and so on

I hope there is something in the making in the near future.


I agree, it would be great to sort local music by artist, album artist, album etc. Seeing as you won’t add upnp.

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A picture is worth more than a long speech.
I find the ergonomics unpleasant to go “Artist” tab. A step can be deleted.

Here is my ergonomic proposal with direct access to “genre” and “! artists” (picture below).

Cheers :grinning:

I would like to add that for people who care about classical music that the ‘composer’ tag is also more important than the performer that is often referred to as ‘artist’ tag.

What I’m also missing is the composer in the discriptions.

I stored all my files in the following hierarchical order:
Composer - composition - (yyyy) performer - ##file
For popular music that changes to
Album artist - (yyyy) album - ##file

If you only use ‘artist’ you will get a mess with soundtracks and compilation albums. And your list will get immensely long with single file entries of guest musicians

I has taken me a long time to come up with a good tagging algorithm that will get me the best and quickest search results that is the most like I would pick an album from my shelves.

Playlist suck.