File sorting request

Would like to place a request for sorting albums and songs when pulling music from my NAS. Could we please have the ability to sort by “albums” and by “songs” with the preference to play random or in list order.
Here are examples from my Synology DSAudio app, using the genre selection “blues”:

  1. I selected “genre of blues” and it brings up all artists
  2. I selected “All Albums” and it shows all albums in the blues genre
  3. I select “All Songs” and it brings up every song in the genre, and allows me to play all songs randomly

This would be extemely helpful and intuitive when sorting through 10,000 + songs from my NAS…

Thank you for consideration for the next update.


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That looks great :slight_smile:
Thank you for good suggestion.

@ROSELOA Hello! Any progress on updating the sorting ability of the Rose Connect Premium app? I know you are inundated with requests, but do you know where this is on the priority list?
Sorting by Album, Artist, or Genre has no alphabetical or alphanumeric sorting accuracy. This is very frustrating when casual listening and using the app to scan a large amount of material.

As always, I appreciate your assistance.


Hello! Any progress on updating the sorting ability of the Rose Connect Premium app? I know you are inundated with requests, but do you know where this is on the priority list?
Sorting by Album, Artist, or Genre has no alphabetical or alphanumeric sorting accuracy. This is very frustrating when casual listening and using the app to scan a large amount of material.

As always, I appreciate your assistance.



We apologize for any inconvenience during use.

We know the seriousness of this problem, so we have made many requests to the SW team.

The SW team is also focusing on solving this problem. I still haven’t gotten a response saying when it will be fixed. There seems to be a problem to solve this function. If you give us more, we will add a convenient sorting function.

Thank you

Thank you for the reply. The sorting for Synology DS Audio app (shown above) is simple yet intuitive. Not sure the algorithm they use for their apps, but it’s simple to use.
Thank you for continually striving for excellence.



Any progress on this issue?



Currently, the RoseConnect Premium app allows you to sort by genre, artist, composer, A-Z format.
In the RoseConnectPremium app–>Music–>Sort, you can arrange them the way you want.
If you go to the folder to view your NAS music files, only the A-Z sorting method is supported.

Thank you