Filtro dac en Rose 150

¿ en que menu del 150B está la posibilidad de seleccionar un filtro u otro del DAC?

Hello @nachocom

no sé español Lo explicaré con imágenes.

  1. Por favor, haga clic en el área marcada en rojo

  2. Por favor, haga clic en el área marcada en rojo

  3. Por favor, haga clic en el área marcada en rojo

  4. Seleccione la configuración deseada en el paso 1 y haga clic en Aplicar.

Thank you

I found the filters.
Can you send me a graphics example of each filter Works with the sound response ?

Hello @nachocom

Thank you


Oh, perfect. Thak you.
One more question: to make balance? up the volume in each channel separated…is possible?
Thanks again

Hi. is it possible to have the same table (FIR) for RS250

Hello @anon94569189

The Fir Filter of RS 250 is almost the same as that of RS150B. Changed “Hybrid Fast Roll-Off” to “Corrected minimum phase Fast Roll-off”.

“Corrected minimum phase Fast Roll-off”: Low pre-ringing and the phase response varies at higher frequencies. There is more post ringing compared with linear phase and apodizing filters. Apodizing (SA20 default) – A compromise between phase, frequency response and ringing.

Thank you

thanks for your description.