Finally Rose RS150 with Pontus II via I2S HDMI Connection

Guys Finally i made it.
I bought adaptor Dvi to Hdmi and then Use Audioquest Coffee Hdmi.
and Connect to Pontus II. Choose output seeting to DVI and choose Mode A ( Mode B no sound)
Then at Pontus II I choose i2s input and then choose mode 1-0-0 which is the best sound i hear ( i used to try 0-1-1 first time when I play DSD Hotel california the drum and guitar is just up side down)!
For the friend who use audioquest HDMI like me. the sound should be ok. I hope it help to friend that dont want to upgrade to Terminator II which has I2S Lan ( Pontus II is just sound nice to me
i’m not sure to upgrade further to T2, some people said it’s not relax and anlog which i will try in the future )
I hope this could help you guys

For more information. the Hdmi cable may wiring diferrent way you cannot just rely much on diagram.If you found that the song is just not right so you can try which your familar song and choose mode which one is the most correct one.