Folder/Filename Convention

What is the Folder and filename convention for NAS/HDD/SDD?

My Folder name is a genre, mood, style,… (e.g., Rock, Bluegrass, New Age, Easy Listening, Relaxing, Dining, etc.)
---- My song filename is Artist - Song-Title.ext
---- If there are multiple artists then my filename is
Artist, Artist… + Artist - Song-Title.ext
---- My playlist filename is mood.ext

– What are the supported playlist file extensions?
– Can a video playlist be created? If so, elaborate on file convention
– What is the folder/filename convention for gapless playback?
– Can user specify art cover for a particular song/album/playlist? If so, what is
the folder/filename convention?


Before I answer your question, please answer my question.
How do you play music in your NAS/HDD/SSD? Music–>Folder–>NAS/HDD/SSD
or Music–>album

We are here to answer your questions.
Below is the codec supported by RS130


If you turn on gapless function, gapless playback will smoothly play the songs without stopping between them.
※ Currently, Rose devices do not support the gapless function when playing DSD sound sources

Currently, I am using Amazon Music as a streaming service. I’ve created many playlists on this service. Todate, I tend to listen to music either via the Amazon Music Playlists or I use Plex for NAS music folders/files. Also for music on my PC, I right-click a Folder (containing music files) and then click “Play by VLC Player”.

I am planning on buying a new Synology NAS. Synology has an app called Audio Station – this app permits playlists to be created/edited… and played. Instead of using Audio Station, I am hoping HiFi Rose’s app is as easy to create/edit/delete/play playlists for NAS music files.

BTW, all my music files are FLAC or mp3 files. Filename is “Artist - Song Title”. Will HiFi Rose recognize my music files?

Is it possible to use HiFi Rose’s file manager and click a NAS folder for automatic playback of all the folder’s music files including/excluding sub-folders music files?

Also, enhance HiFi Rose for a Playlist View; i.e., provide user the ability to view a list of all playlists collectively from all my registered sources (e.g., all HiFi Rose playlists, Qobuz playlists, Tidal playlists & when Amazon Music is supported, from Amazon Music playlists). This would be the best solution for me.


We are here to answer your questions.

  1. If you purchase a new Synology NAS and connect it to a Rose device, it is currently not possible to create/edit/delete files on the Synology NAS from the Rose device.
  2. Yes, both FLAC or mp3 files are recognized on the Rose device.
  3. The NAS folder cannot be loaded from the File manager app. Only SSD or USB external hard drives can be used in the File manager app.