Folder menu search option

I listen to music from a NAS with a ROSE 250 device with RoseConnect Premium ios application.
The Folder menu really lacks some kind of search option.
The performers are in ABC order in the folder, scrolling to the letter ā€œVā€ in a folder containing thousands of items is a bit inconvenient.
Are there any plans to develop this?


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

I forwarded this to the software person.
When viewing albums by clicking NAS or SSD in the folder, as you said, it is impossible to add a function to view albums corresponding to the selected alphabet in order by clicking the alphabet on the right.
Instead, what we added is a scroll bar on the right.

Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately, the scroll bar only works in SSD folders, not in NAS folders.
Can they fix this?
That would also be a big help.

A search engine would be best.
I am thinking of such a search that every subfolder in the folder would be displayed as a result, which contains the string of characters that I enter in the search engine.

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We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
I forwarded the information to the software developer. They will add this feature after confirmation.

Thank you very much.
Please let me know if there is a change.
Will I have anything to do? (Application reinstallation, update?)

When updates are in progress, we will post update notices to the Rose community.
Then you can update the app. We have not yet been notified when this feature will be updated.