FTP, SMB or Webdav

Whole day I am playing with all three servers in order to get access to internal disc in my Rose 250A. I managed to get FTP and Webdav up and running. SMB is no avail. My computer is not recognizing Rose. I tried everything, made setup according to instructions, SMB 1 and SMB 2 client is enabled on my Windows laptop, but typing the address in Windows File explorer brings opening a tab in Firefox and “Unable to connect” message.

Anyway, tried FTP transfer speed is around 20 - 30 Mbit/s. Webdav is around the same speed, but sometimes it can be really slow. Main problem is that Webdav has a file transfer limit which is under 100 Mb. Can this file size limit be avoided? Why is transfer speed so slow?
Tried all settings for SMB. On Rose settings there is default name for workgroup left because it can not be changed. Is this affecting connection? What can be done for my Windows 10 Pro to communicate with SMB server on Rose streamer?

FTP, Webdav & SMB are all slow because they check if a data packet has been successfully delivered.
In Windows Explorer you should use “map network drive” and enter the IP Adress of the Rose player.
In WLAN/WifI router i would configure fixed IP adress for all devices.
Fast is if you attach the SSD to your Windows computer as a harddrive or USB device. After the data transfer put it back into the Rose player and do a DB scan.
After that a data transfer via SMB is faster/simpler.
The best is if you know how to use Robocopy to transfer files. This is ultra fast.

If it opens it in your browser instead of File Explorer, you are likely using wrong slashes, or no slashes.

E.g. I have a server at\If I enter just or // Explorer assumes it to be a web address, and opens it in the default browser. One needs to enter \\ to force SMB connection.

I have done mapping network drive. Managed also to get rid of the file size limit. So it works good now, not too fast, but not too slow. It is manegable for a few Gb of data. Pulling out SSD and connect it to computer is too much effort. For bigger transport I can live with USB drive connecting to Rose, but is also an unneeded hassle. Robocopy did not try over Webdav, but I’ll give a try, good hint, thank you :slight_smile:

Tried all slashes and reversed slashed, no slashes, no avail… With reverse slashes Windows Explorer reports “Windows cannot access…” I have enabled everything in Windows, but is not working. Anyway I am satisfied with Webdav (which does not work if I disable SMB2) for now. It just too slow, I am on giagabit ethernet…

Now I realized that I have made an error, entered wrong IP address in latest try… Entered right address with reversed slashes and is working! Thank you :slight_smile: Much faster than Webdav, 3 Gb in about minute and half.

Tried Robocopy - it does job in exactly same time as ordinary Windows Explorer copy…

Glad you got it working. Wrong IP would do that :slight_smile:

in this case there is a network speed issue.

It could not be. It is a gigabit network and everything on this network has much greater speed.