Greetings to the community and the Rose team

Hello Friends of HiFi - Rose,

is okidoki in the chat???
Does everyone get along???:wink:

I wanted to say hello to you all again and tell you…my 520 is still playing and I have no problems. I just updated my media library almost two months ago. Edited cover images in the photo program and replaced many songs with the remastered version. Now I have a flat bottom and elephant ears from browsing, listening and editing images. But the effort was worth it, now even better dynamics and spatiality. I’m not that rich and can’t afford Qubus or Tidal, so you just have to do it yourself.

So I hope everyone stays healthy and peaceful with each other.

Greetings also go out to the Rose team.

Bonte :v:t2: :v:t2: :v:t2: :notes::ear:t2::musical_score:


Thank you for your positive post.

Hi-Fi Rose will do its best to ensure customer satisfaction.

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