Hi, I’m struggling if I buy a RS150B.
(little unsure if the price tag is worth the added value…)
To make the decision more easy to me, I would like to know how the internal harddrive is practical to use.
The question is more or less simple:
a) is it possible to transfer files/tracks from an external HDD through the USB ports of the Rose to the internal SSD?
b) in case not: is the format of the SSD after assembly mandatory or can I format it on a PC, copy all files in Folders and insert it into the Rose to just scan the library?
Background is that I’ve ripped all my CD collection already and saved it on an external SSD. As we are talking about roundabout 300GB of FLAC and another 500GB of video files, a transfer with SMB over ethernet sucks…
Plan is to use the RS150 with two Audiolab monos, internal 2TB SSD, maybe an external HDD for Videos on top and in combination with Tidal.
Interesting is therefore the handling of the internal drive as described above and the total setup in combination with the Rose software. I assume that the internal drive, external drive and Tidal are merged within the interface and in best case it is possible to create Playlist containing tracks from all sources mixed up?
By the way: Very strange and disappointing, that a streamer with a preamp in this price level offers no trigger for external power amplifier…