HDMI audio problem

Hi, I have a problem with the sound on the RS520 when connecting the TV via HDMI Arc. When I use cable TV, everything is fine, but when I switch to the Netflix application built into the smart TV, this happens:

  1. when switching from cable to Netflix, a strange digital sound appears in the speakers for a moment
  2. the sound is not synchronized with the video, there is a shift of some fraction of a second
  3. after returning to cable TV, there is also no synchronization, only after turning off and on both devices, the synchronization on cable is ok
  4. after turning on Netflix, the volume has to be turned up much, much higher. Additionally, sometimes the sound on Netflix can fade out every few seconds to a second, sometimes 2-3 seconds.

How can I deal with this, what should I do to make it work properly?

TV: Sony KD65xh9096
Rose RS520


It’s a bit strange that only Netflix shows this symptom.

It seems that Netflix shows this symptom because it has different sound quality codecs and other parts from other TV programs.

We will also check this symptom.

One more observation: during watching Netflix for longer time, there are audio drop outs every several minute.
Drop out is like 1 second and sound is back, but its very annoing.

I’ll join in here for a minute!

Just for your information:

I also use the RS520 and everything is fine for me.

Devices are:

Hifi Rose RS520


From LG OLED55C27LA OLED evo TV to Rose RS520 with Toslink (Amazon.de) for sound from the TV via Rose RS520 to my speakers.
Works perfectly, no dropouts on Netflix etc.
All DolbyAtmos tracks are in the films, they are already quieter for me anyway, even via SmartTV speakers. Particularly noticeable with Apple TV+ (best picture + sound quality for me.) Of course, the 520 can only do stereo and with Atmos films, I have to turn the volume up on the 520 (it produces two-channel sound).

From the Rose 520 to the LG OLED55C27LA OLED evo TV with HDMI out (Rose RS 520)(Amazon.de) in HDMI LG OLED55C27LA OLED evo TV. works fantastically for RoseTube videos or cover images on TV from Tidal, your own SSD or RoseRodio.

Have you ever checked your HDMI settings on the TV???
Bitstream or PCM. (with eARC connection to Rose RS520)

Have you ever checked the DTV settings (SmartTV)

Best to set to automatic.

Have you ever played with the TV speaker delay???

You can adjust the synchronization when using the system (speaker) and sound (TV) at the same time.

Perhaps switch the automatic volume control on or off in the TV or streaming box???

I don’t know any more than that…:face_with_monocle:


thanks for the information.
Yes, all options regarding sound on the TV have been verified and tested. hdmi settings are correct. Settings on audio output from the TV has also been tested, all possibly settings.
interestingly, when I switched to PCM, synchronization improved, but I still have problems with sound drop off.
The difference in volume between cable and Netflix is ​​ok, it has always been like that, so I don’t have a major problem with it.
When it comes to connecting with a toslink cable, hdmi arc convinced me when buying this streamer because I wanted to turn on rose when I turn on the TV. if I connect it with an optical cable, I will lose this functionality. In addition, the cable would have to be about 5m long.

It’s perfectly fine.

I watch very little on TV because the Rose display is enough for me. The only thing is the occasional film (e.g. Netflix or Apple TV+…) but since it’s only “stereo” (which is fine for me), it rarely happens. Also, I can’t turn it up loud in the evening because I’d get in trouble with my neighbors. You have to be a little tolerant.

That’s why I chose Toslink because I don’t have to turn on (my) Rose via the TV. As I said… and if I do, the Rose520 is already on anyway and I turn on the SmartTV, go to my Apple StreamingBox… turn on a film and switch the Rose to OPT-In input and if the “light organ 520” distracts me from the film, the display is set to Off and I can “enjoy” the film.

You will find the error, either on your own or the Rose guys will help you.


it seems that sound drop outs now also occur when watching tv…

I don’t use netflix, but neither with linear cable TV nor with Youtube, Amazon Prime Video or other media services I had any sound problems over HDMI eARC so far. And sometimes my Samsung TV runs several hours nonstop.