Help to display all albums under a music folder?


Most of my music files are stored on the NAS, and they are grouped under different folders according to different categories. For example as shown in the image below, music files for overseas Artist (Artist_ENG) are further grouped into Artist_Female, Artist_Male, and Artist_Group.

It’s a very good idea to have all those folders (with music inside) to be listed under the main menu in FOLDER view. However, only the first 20 albums are shown for each folder. The rests are missing.

What should I set in order to show the remaining (all) albums under each folder view, instead of just the first 20 albums ?



It’s an issue that should be fixed. It should be able to drag the iPad display to see more albums, but it doesn’t work now.
I apologize about the issue, I will contact developer to check it as soon as possible.

Best Regards,

Thanks for the note and hope the issue to be fixed soon. It’s a very useful feature indeed.

I noticed that you acknowledge this folder problem in 2022. My question is that if you or HiFi rose team resolve this or any problem how do you inform the community? If there is no update is it assumed the problem still exists?
Q2 how should you structure music files on an external USB hard disk ?


This issue is fixed. We release update notice.
Also, I will close this post.