Hi Fi Rose 2050a not showing recently played music

I play my music files on the ROse 250 drom the SSD 4tb installed.

1/ After playing the files it does not show them as recently played.

2/Also the album playes in a loop when it gets to the end - can anyone advise how to turn that off.
My files are stored under this path : rosedisk/android/ …then the folder names of the artists.!


Let me answer your questions.

  1. Did you know that when you play the SSD sound source built into RS250a, all played tracks are moved to the queue?
    Does this mean that when you play music stored on the SSD in the RoseConnect app, it doesn’t appear in the “Recently played track” list?

  2. Please look at the photo I posted below.

If the icon is white, sound playback will stop when the last song in the queue is finished.
When the icon is orange, when the last song in the queue is finished, playback starts from the first song in the queue.
Lastly, when the number 1 is displayed on the icon, only the currently playing song will be played repeatedly.

Rose Support,

  1. When I select the music to play it is held on the SSD - To play the music I go to Rosedisk/android/(artist name)/(album) … then add the tracks to play.
    The tracks are shown in recently played tracks.

How do i see the whole album under recently played albums ?




We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The symptom was confirmed by us and passed on to the software team. We will fix this issue and reflect it in the next update.