Hifi Rose will not last long

I said I experienced some of what you describe like playing random music which I fixed by programming (pressing buttons). I understand that you are frustrated, but there is no need to use sarcastic and harsh language.

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I know what you said. You got my reply. Your interpretation of it is irrelevant, just as relevant as your initial post.

Je vous trouve un peu excessif dans votre message ! Je ne recontre pas les problème que vous citez avec mon RS250A. Le plus gros problème est le temps de resynchronisation de la base de données lorsqu’on rajoute des albums. J’utilse un DDur interne 4To avec plus de 5000 album, et Qobuz pour ma musique. Je n’utilise pas le DAC interne ni la vidéo. Le logiciel a progressé par rapport au tout début, et la version EA est presque ok pour mon usage.
PS: testez un Cocktail Audio X50D pour mon usage, sans DAC il est parfait sur le plan logiciel. Jz’espère que le RS250A deviendra ausdi bon au fil des mises à jour.

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Guys! About 10 days ago there was an update. The first 3 days the device would turn on by itself randomly with the message in the attached pic.

But 6-7 days ago it stopped and the device really works as it should!

Of course i have to take past experiences into consideration and percieve this with reservation. Hifi Rose isn’t the kind of company striving for consistancy


I understand that the main function of the RS250A is to work as a Streamer and I constantly read problems about this, that and that, regarding operating as a Streamer; I use it as a DAC with display, something that I have mentioned thousands of times in other posts and really, I have not had problems and I touch my left testicle to avoid having them…

All the times that I have bought this type of unit, before Before taking the money and putting it on the table, carry out the corresponding tests with my trusted distributor…There are Streamers that do everything you ask for, but we are going to be talking above 10,000/15,000 dollars.

Those who have the possibility of returning their purchase, I suggest that they do so and invest the money that corresponds to investing, in a product that exceeds 10,000 dollars, otherwise, know that they paid very good money for their Hifi Rose product, and the quality of sound, price vs. ratio quality, it is excellent.

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You don’t understand probably what all they say my friend. They advertising a unit that does 30 things and all the 30 things have bugs. You are using yours for 5 things and you are happy and that’s ok. I use the device for 5 other things that doesn’t do well. It’s preferable to do 10 things and do it perfectly rather than 30 things and do it at the end slappy. That’s my point. And for the price you expecting that the things must be perfect. If you see the eversolo a8 with less money the things are much better. And the price vs ratio quality it’s also much better. So that’s not excuse. Don’t forget i have the RS-130 streamer at 5k price point


I completely understand what they are saying and I understand your disappointment.
Price versus quality and features, HiFi Rose, it’s cheap…
If you want to have everything you want, you have to invest more money;
You are within your total and healthy right to complain and claim whatever you want.

With a Mercedes Benz, you can travel 400 kilometers and with Peugeout 208, you can also do it, the difference is how you travel the 400 kilometers.

Here you have the Mercedes Benz.


@JMBARG Bullshit. Besides the fact that as a former Mercedes owner, I am totally unimpressed with its interior quality compared to other german brands, your claim to invest more money in a streamer is borderline stupid.
All Hifi Rose issues mentioned here and on different fora are NOT sound quality or in any way hardware related. Its all software related. Software development only needs to be done right once, to be roled out an indefinite amount of hardware units. As an example, a brand like Eversolo gets this. It might not have a cool toroidal trafo , a big screen and other hardware components to the level of hifi rose, but at least they get the basics right. Who gives a shit that you use it as a dac only, as you keep repeating yourself, like an idiot. I dont care, nobody cares how you use it. I, and so many others use it as advertised and expect it to work accordingly. Please, sell your nonsense somewhere else


Angel, don’t get bronchoaspirates my friend, try to take the painkillers and enjoy life more, may your week start as beautiful as your wife’s soft lips

…beautiful as your wife’s soft lips :clap:t2::clap:t2: :clap:t2::heart_eyes:




We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

  1. Are you using an external DAC other than RS250a’s own DAC, but is this message appearing?
  2. If you are using the RS250a’s own DAC and this message appears, it seems that your RS250a is constantly having a problem with the DAC not being connected.
    In that case, you need to replace the audio board of RS250a.
    Contact the distributor in the country where you purchased the RS250a and request repairs.

@JMBARG I don’t know you. You don’t know me. And were not friends :wink:.
Try to keep it ontopic please.

@ROSEHAN This message doesnt appear anymore. The device seems to be working fine for now. I can only hope it stays that way

Friend, I respond to you according to how you treat me…if you were more respectful and gentleman, I would act the same way with you!

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I am sure you do.
But its irrelevant. Lets stay ontopic

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My 150B is a part of a 2 channel only setup, which is the main reason I purchased it. So as much as I love the big screen, it was only being used for cover art and on occasion the clock or meters.
I considered buying the a RS250 to connect to my theater setup so I could start using Rosetube but just didn’t want to spend that much money just to watch some essentially YouTube concerts. While on another forum someone was talking about an active HDMI cable and the light bulb lit up. Get an active cable for the long run (60ft or so) and use the 150B. Well I finally drilled the necessary holes and spent the time crawling around my crawl space to get things connected.
So for less than $100 I’m now viewing Rosetube in my theater room.
Let me say that so far I’m impressed with the quality and quantity of available concerts. I’ve saved 5 as favorites so far to watch. Buying 5 concerts would have costs more than the price of the cable so that’s a win for me and will only get better as I find more concerts. Not buying the additional Rose is a huge win.
I’m saying all of this because I’m happy with the performance of my 150B. Now if they would just add more streaming services (Amazon Music) I would be even happier. YMMV but I’m enjoying this wonderfully sounding streamer.

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An update from my side: I’ve waited a few weeks to be more sure, but sonce the last uodate it works really well. No more experience killing surprises…but consistency and reliability.
Honestly I didnt expect that anymire. Hopefully this remains

Well said Sebrof.My experience with the 250a and now the 520 has been excellent!!

Snarky Angelo!Try being a little more respectful😎

I will not, if I see no reason to be :slightly_smiling_face: